
1.掌握本课重点单词:head arm leg foot 句型This is my …及字母“Ab、Bb、 Cc、Dd”

2、能运用句型“This is …”介绍自己的身体部位。





1.能运用句型“This is my …”介绍自己的身体部位。

2.句型“This is your …”的运用。




一、warm up:

儿歌:《 Jenny》。 T:OK, let’s sing a song. S: OK.

二、Leading up:

出示课件 “My family”, 介绍自己的家庭。然后请学生到前面介绍。 T : Please look here, this is my family. This is my husband, this is my oldest son, this is my youngest son. How about your family? ×××,please. S: This is my family: this is my …, this is my …,and so on. T: OK, now, practice in your groups.


1. T: OK, now, let’s look at Jerry’s body. 出示课件和单词卡片:head T: OK, who can read? ×××,please. S: head 请同学读,如果正确就领读,错误由其他学生或老师纠正后再读。(单词粘贴于黑板上)

2. 以此方式学习单词arm。

3. 学习完head 与arm 后加动作记忆一下,让学生先从形体上记忆一下肢体的名称。 T: follow me, follow me! S: follow you, follow you! T: head head head, (指头) arm arm arm(指胳膊)head arm head arm, arm arm arm(指胳膊)head head head, (指头) arm head arm head. 生跟着做。

4. 出示课件和单词卡片:leg , T: next,who can read? ×××,please. S: leg

5. 请同学读,如果正确就领读,错误由其他学生或老师纠正后再读。(单词 粘贴于黑板上)

6. 以此方式学习单词foot.

7. 学习完 leg 与 foot 后加动作记忆一下,让学生先从形体上记忆一下肢体的名称。 T: follow me, follow me! S: follow you, follow you! T: leg leg leg,(指腿)foot foot foot,(指脚)leg foot leg foot。foot foot foot,(指脚)leg leg leg,(指腿)foot leg foot leg 生跟着做。

8.T: Now, boys and girls, please show me your word cards. I say, you show. “leg” “foot” “arm” “head” T: now, practice in your groups. 展示自己的单词卡片,然后用单词卡片小组练习记忆,让学生进行单词的认读练习。

9.T: now, let’s read 请小组展示朗读单词。

10. T: I say, you point. M: ×××小组,到前面展示。 师生展示指身体各部位,小组练习,小组展示。


1. T: Turn to page 26, listen and underline the parts of the body.(听读两遍,然后对照答案) 生对照答案。

2. T: Listen and repeat with actions.(跟读3 遍,加动作)

3. T: Read in your groups, then show. M: ×××小组,到前面展示。


1. T: please look here, stick the words. 粘贴单词:出示Jerry 的身体部位,将单词粘贴于各身体部位。

2. 判断正误:请同学到前面读句型并点其他学生回答问题。 T: ×××,please come here, read the sentences and ask students to answer. S1: (read the sentences), ×××. S2: No. S1: Good. And so on.

3.师生展示: T: follow me, follow me! S: follow you, follow you! T: my my my you’re you’re your S: my my my you’re you’re your T: my your my your S: my your my your T: ×××,come here, please introduce your body. S: This is my head. T: This is your head.…… T: practice in your groups.


1.学习:“Ab、Bb、Cc、Dd” T: Now, let’s read. S: Ab、Bb、Cc、Dd

2.打乱顺序朗读:A B C D; b c d a; C b a D; d A B c (看谁读得又对又快) S: a , B, C, Dd …

3.T: Please underline the letter “ a b c d ” in each word. father brother nice arm head bye friend doctor

4.对照答案,并练习拼读单词。(生读单词中a b c d 的部分,师读其他字母)


1. Listen and imitate.

2. point to the body and talk with your friend.