I live in Xinjiang Beitun, where the scenery is beautiful, most beautiful places in the Irtysh River, throughout the year more people intoxicated

Spring has come, trees spit out the little shoots, grass out of the smiley face, the flowers produce a bud. Added many across the Irtysh River is spring to life

In summer, trees and flowers grow lush, the whole world into a green paradise. Some people in the roast lamb, some people collect leaf samples, also some people fishing ... ... Really rich

Blink went to the fall, the whole world into Golden Ocean, leaves yellow, grass has withered, flower thanks, swallow has returned to the South.

In the dead of winter, glistening snowflakes from heaven, and fell into the tree, to the tree layer dress up. Snowflakes falling to the ground, give the Earth a thick quilt ...

 新疆北屯中学 四年级6班 谢天旭 >> [作文]美丽的额尔齐斯河