Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab tree for his afternoon nap.

Suddenly he was wide awake. There was a boom, boom, booming in his ears. And it was getting closer. Hare peeped out from the tree nervously. Across the clearing the bushes snapped and parted, and out loomed a huge gray shape.

"Oh it's you!" said Hare irritably. "How can a fellow sleep with all your racket?"

The rhinoceros(犀牛) squinted down at him short-sightedly.

"Greetings!" he bellowed in his slow way. "Tembo the elephant has sent me to fetch you to the waterhole. He's going to tell us who our new king will be. All the animals have voted."

"Oh fiddlesticks(胡说)!" cried Hare rudely. "What do I want with a new king? He'll bully us from morning till night and make our lives miserable."
