Homework for the students in Grade three

Name: Class:

一、Mental problem。

35×20= 50×20= 2.6+2.8= 5.6-1.9=

23×30= 26×30= 800÷8= 8.23+1.2=

二、Computation in upright form。

24×77 432÷6 30-9.4 78×94

三、Find the exact answer.

7×8×32 28+12×30

45×(12+20) 83×12-85

四、Please draw the boat after moving left 10 blocks.

五、Please draw the symmetrical shape.

六、Solving problems。


A football is 65 yuan.

(1)Mr. Li wants to buy 14 footballs, how much are they?

(2)Mr.Li payed(付款) 1000 yuan to the cashier(收银员), is it enough?

2. 一栋教学楼有4层,每层有6个教室,每个教室有24套桌椅,这栋教学楼一共有多少套桌椅?

3. 电影院有21排座椅,每排18个座位,我们学校有370人去看电影,这些座位够做吗?

七、Find the area and perimeter(周长) of each figure. Don’t forget the units.

18 dm

9 dm

The area: The perimeter:

8 m

The area: The perimeter: