

Part D


1、掌握Part D中各类物品的名称。

2、能将交际用语“Here’s … yuan. What would you like? I’d like…”自然运用到超市购物的场景中。




能将交际用语“Here’s …yuan. What would you like? I’d like…”自然运用到超市购物的场景中。


服装道具:一件超市工作人员用的小马甲及帽子或头巾 一组课件


Step One: Warm-up activities

Ask the students to sing the song “Happy birthday to you” together.

Step Two: Greeting and Free talk

(1) T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, ××.

T: How are you ?

Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too .

(2) T: Hi , ××. If today is your birthday, are you happy ?

S1:Yes. Thank you.

T: And what would you like?

S1: I’d like some toys.

T: What about you?

S2: I’d like a new skirt.

T: And you?

S3: I’d like a big birthday cake.(多问几个人, 用上What would you like? I’d like…。句型。)

Step Three: Presentation and practice

(屏幕呈现一个超市图片,一个孩子和母亲在里面)Today is Li Ping’s birthday, and his mother is giving him some money.

(屏幕呈现母子图片)Mother: Here’s a hundred yuan. What would you like?

(板书呈现句子“Here’s …yuan. What would you like?)

T: Now guess what he would like? First let’s see what is in the supermarket, OK? Follow Li Ping into the supermarket.

(屏幕呈现各种水果及其它物品)What’s this/ that? It’s a/ an …。

What are these/ those? They are …。

What would you like? I’d like …。 (板书呈现句子I’d like…。)

Step Four: Practice

Ask the students to practice the drills, try to ask and answer in pairs.

Show different things on the screen for the students to practise.

Step Five: Further practice:

(屏幕呈现Model dialogue:

A: Can I help you?

B: Oh, thank you. What are these?

A: They are oranges.

B: And what are those?

A: They are grapes. What would you like?

B: I’d like some grapes.

A: How many kilos?

B: Two kilos, please.

A: Here you are.

A: And here’s five yuan.

B: Thank you.)

Ask the students to make up similar dialogues. Then ask some pairs to act their dialogues out.


Step Six: Discussion

Suppose your birthday is coming, what would you like? And how much will you spend? (设想你的生日就要到了,你想要什么?你会花多少钱?引导同学们懂得珍惜。尽可能把钱用在有意义的事物上。)

Step Seven: Homework



Unit 5 Review and check

Here’s … yuan. What would you like?

I’d like …, please.