
Consolidate all the new words and sentence patterns of Unit 2

Sing the songs


New words and sentence patterns


Sentence patterns


Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder


Ⅰ。 Greeting

What do you do in the home?

I do my homework.

I eat and drink. I play, too.

Ⅱ。 Revision

Review the new words

study, paint, line up, dining hall, eat, drink, do, we

at school, well

Review sentence patterns.

What do you do in the playground?

We line up and sing. We play, too.

What do you do in the classroom?

We study.

What do you do in the dining hall?

We eat and drink.

What do you do in the art room?

We paint and draw.

Ⅲ。 Sing and play

Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Ask the pupils What do you do in the …? For each of the rooms listed at the bottom of the page.

Play the cassette again and tell the pupils to point to the correct pictures for each of the verses.

Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.

Ⅳ。 The pupils play a miming game.

Give a pupil a strip of paper with a verb from this unit written on it. The pupil reads the word on the strip of paper silently and then mimes the action. The others guess what action he or she is doing by making a sentence like We sing in the music room. Award points for correct guesses.

Ⅴ。 Summary

Review the unit.

Recite PartA and PartB

Prepare Unit3