Once there was an old doctor named Sun. He was very kind, especially to animals.


While he was taking a stroll outside the village one fine autumn day, he happened to see two kids who had captured a snake. They were playing with it land the snake was so exhausted that it was almost dead. The old man couldn't bear to see even a snake die, so he got some money out of his pocket and bought the snake from them. Then he took it to the edge of the pond and let it go.


A few days later, he was sitting in his study. He dozed off. Before long, he saw a man dressed in green come in and ask Sun to go with him. Sun went, and the man took him to a very awesome palace. Everything was spick and span. Sun didn't have any idea where he was.


When Dr. Sun and his guide came into the main hall, a very important looking man came out and addressed Sun, saying, "My son was out playing. If you hadn't saved him, sir, I am afraid that my son wouldn't have gotten away with his life."
