
Cartoon time, Fun time & Song time


1. 能够体会幽默小故事,能在教师的帮助和引导下表演cartoon time中的小故事。

2. 在教师的指导和帮助下进行Fun time 的游戏。

3. 能进一步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与别人打招呼问好,给予评价。

4. 能够准确的唱出歌曲“Good morning.”


能够体会幽默小故事,能在教师的帮助和引导下表演cartoon time中的小故事。




Step1 Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Hello, Helen. Hi, Joe…

Ss: …。

Step2 Revision

T: I knew you are ready to act the dialogue. Now, it’s show time.

(Two groups show. )

T: You did a good job. We know how to use “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Hello/ Hi.” Right? Now let’s greet our friends.

1. It’s two o’clock. Liu Tao is in the classroom. What can we say?

S: Hello.

S: Good afternoon.

2. In the morning, we meet Helen on the way to school

S: …


T: Yes, we can say “Hello/ Hi”, “Good morning”。

Step3 Song time

1. T: Do you remember the chant?

“Good morning, good morning

Morning, my dear.

Good afternoon, good afternoon,

Afternoon, my dear.”

T: Let’s read together.

Ss: …

2. I can make a song with the chant. Listen to me.

Good morning, good morning Morning, my dear.

3. Let’s learn the song now. Here is a song about the greetings.

4. watch the cartoon.

5. Try to follow the music and sing it by themselves.

6. sing after the tape.

7. sing after the teacher. (教师示范动作)

8. sing in groups (小组轮唱)

9. Act the song.

Step4 Story time

1. T: Great. You sing very well. We can say “Good morning” to our friends in the morning. Did you say “Good morning” to your friends this morning?

S: …。

2. Talk about the pictures

T: Look. The little mice are happy. They are greeting now. Maybe they say “Good morning” to each other. Maybe there are some funny things. Let’s watch the cartoon.


T: That’s a lovely mouse. Do you know its name?

What’s the name of the cat?

S: Sam.

T: What’s the name of the mouse?

S: Bobby.

T: Do you like Bobby? Is Bobby brave or timid? Why?


T: Bobby is brave. He can make friends with the cat, Sam. Right?

3. Reading time. Read the story loudly after the tape.

4. Read after the teacher.

5. T and Ss act as Cat and mice.

6. Practice in pairs

7. Acting time. Act the story(引导学生用道具表演对话)

Step5 Fun time

1. T: Boys and girls, we know we can use different

sentence at different time when we meet our friends. Let’s review.

In the morning, what can we say?

S: …。

T: In the afternoon.

S: …。

2. T: Great. Now, let’s play a game to check. Look at this picture. There’s a map on it.



1. 通过掷骰子,确定每个人能走几步(几格)。

2. 只有正确的回答出所掷格子中人物问候,才能继续。

3. 先到终点的人为赢家。

T: Now, I need a friend to play the game.(老师先找一名学生一起玩这个游戏,做范例。)

Group work.

Step6 Homework

1. 跟唱歌曲并尝试表演。

2. 把 cartoon time 的故事读给爸爸妈妈听。

3. 尝试着用所学日常用语打招呼。




Unit 1 Hello