

Words : six to ten, visit, man, woman

Structure: How many …?

There is …. There are ….

1) 能够掌握重点单词和句型结构。

2) 能够运用重点词句询问或描述家庭成员。

2、情感态度目标: 培养学生善于观察,关心家人。






Step1: Warm up:

i. Listen to an English new chant on page 33

ii. Revision: Read the words learned last class.

Step 2: Presentation and practice:

1、让学生拿出提前画好的小动物,并用“ There is/ are ….”进行全班性介绍,并

小组间进行交流。利用图片进行How many… ?的提问,转而进行同位间的问答,复习并板书重点句型结构。

2、把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,老师提问:“How many people are there in the family? Who are they? 板书小男孩的家庭成员的名称。指出Mum and grandma are women, dad and grandfather are men.学习men and women.

3、Watch CD-Rom.

(1). How many men/women/boys? 让学生充分理解对话发生的情况。

(2). Watch and answer the questions: What are they doing now? What are there ?

(3). Listen and repeat.

4. Drill.

(1) 全体齐读、小组间轮流读。

(1) Retell the text.

Look! This is my ________. There are _______ people in my family. _____ ______ one boy. That’s_______. There are ______ men. They are my _____ and _______. There are _______ women. There are my ______ and _______. We’re _______ the zoo. There _______ lots and lots of _________.

1) 用挂历纸或课件展示以上内容,让学生各自准备一分钟。



5. Do practice.

出示p33页的挂图,教师说:“What is it?”学生回答:“It’s a zoo.”

What can you see in the zoo? 引导学生用There is …/There are …继续提问How many monkeys are there? 进而转为让学生提问和回答。最后同桌两人进行交流。

Step 3 Consolidation and extension:

1. Listen and say. Then chant.

(1) 看图说一说,How many fat cats are there? What are they doing? How many monkeys are there?

(2) 播放音乐,学生欣赏并试着跟唱。

(3) 再播放,让学生跟唱注意模仿语音、语调以及节奏。

2. 完成课堂活动用书 Unit2 的练习1和练习2。



3. 播放AB Unit 2练习4和5的录音,请学生体会字母与字母组合的发音。再播放,让学生跟读。

4. Do a survey.

About your family

How many people are there?

How many boys?

How many girls?

How many women?

How many men?

1) Ask and answer in pairs.

2) 介绍同伴的家庭成员。

Step 4 Summary:

1) 让学生分别说一下本节课学了哪些单词和句型。

2) 教师领读,回顾所学的知识。

Step 5 Homework:

1. Listen to the tape and repeat the text 3times.

2. 完成AB Unit2练习3。并介绍自己的家庭成员。

Step 6 Blackboard design:

 Module 8 Unit 2 How many people are there in your family?

How many …..? grandma


 There is ….. mum

There are….. grandpa

