
1. 全体学生能初步运用How many girls/boys?这类语句来询问数量,并能运用1—12的英文形式作答。

2. 全体学生能理解词汇nine, ten, eleven, twelve。

3. 部分学生能初步运用词汇nine, ten, eleven, twelve。



1. Greetings. Hello, boys and girls. How are you?

2. sing the song《Please stand up.》

3. Show the letters.

T: Look, there are some letters. Can you read them? And how many letters? ---- five

Look, what are they? And how many? ----four

4. the words---girls / boys

T: Please look, what are they? ---- girls and boys

二、Task presentation问题引领,感知文本


T: and this is a honor roll,how many boys and how many girls on it, let’s listen to the tape.

T:(指男孩的荣誉榜) how many? Five. (指女孩的荣誉榜)how many? One, two,… eight and nine(教授)

(2)Listen, point and say


T: I think maybe the honor roll will make our English learning more interesting, so let’s make a honor roll, too. This one is for the boys, and this one is for the girls.

三、 Text learning活动构建, 理解文本

T: Now, boys and girls, in Ms Smart’s class, there are some boys and girls too. But how many girls and how many boys in Ms Smart’s class.

1、Listen and find the answers.

(1)T: How many girls? (显示课文中的女孩图片)

学生如果回答nine girls,则反问nine girls? Let’s count.


(2)The second question, how to ask?

引导学生尝试提问How many boys? (板书)

T:Class, how many boys? (显示课文中的男孩图片)

Oh, there’s a boy, so “twelve”。



即时小结,在句型中巩固单词9-12(活动1和2取其中之一)bobo game

屏幕出示nine, ten, eleven, twelve, How many boys? How many girls? Nine girls? Eleven boys?等句子

3、Listen, point and repeat.

T: class, you are lucky and lovely. Now, let’s follow to the tape, and pay attention to your imitation and intonation.我们看看谁模仿得最像

4、Read in pairs, after that let’s try to act it out.

5、Read the text.

(1) 集体分角色读

T:Class , let’s try to read it in roles. Girls, you are Ms Smart, and boys you are the students.


(2) 个体朗读

Who’d like to read it in roles? Who want to be Ms Smart? Who want to be the girl/boy?

6、act the text

This time ,let’s try to act it out. Who’d like to come here.

Clap our hands for them. Are they good? Give me five. 注意评价语言的运用

四、Practice(意义操练) 交际操练,互动生成

1、guessing game

T: I think the text is easy for you now, and you did good job. Let’s play a guessing game,利用卡片进行。第一个问题教师提问,第二个问题学生提问,第三个问题学生问,第四个问题全班问,一生回答

2、Magic eyes

Look, do you know what they are?(简单的叙说一下单词)

T: How many girls?

Ss: Nine.

T: Nine girls?

Ss: Oh, ten.


五、 Task completion(任务完成)交际操练 自主检测,达标反馈

1. number poster

T: look, this is a number poster.




2. in life

T: class, look around the big classroom. Can you ask “how many…?”and answer in pairs?

Doors, windows, blackboards, boys, girls, desks,(这些提前与学生指定好可以用手势询问某一排)

六、Summary and homework(功能提炼,布置作业)

T: class, look at the blackboard, please. What have you got today? 学会如何询问什么东西有多少,并做出回答。

Excellent. Now I have a song for you, show me your fingers please, let’s listen and try to sing it.

Homework for you, read the dialogue three times, and talk about your classroom with your friends.