
Unit9 Let’s talk


1.知识目标:①、能够听说认读单词: toy, dog, cat, ball, kite, rabbit; ②、能熟练运用句子:Is it …? No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is. It’s Jinmin’s.

2.技能目标:能用Is it …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.等句子在情景中交流、对话。

3.情感与态度目标:培养学生学会小组合作、与他人交流的能力; 及对学生养成良好生活习惯的培养。


1.Is it …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.





Step1. Warm up(2`)

1.GreetingxKb 1. Com

2.Free talk.


Step 2.Presentation(3`)

1. Look and say: Let’s go to Ben’s house and have fun.

2. Look and say( Show Ben’s bedroom with many toys)

T: What can you see? (Toys)

What are they? ( Help Ss say out all the toys) (设计意图:引出课题,Toys. 并直观地复习一遍所有的新单词。为游戏做好进一步的铺垫。)

Step 3. Touch and guess(10`)

1. Look at the shakes of the toys on the Bb and guess:

T: (黑板前闭眼转三圈,用手摸中黑板上贴的任意一张玩具背影图卡,打开眼问)

Is it a cat? (引导学生用Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 正确回答)

Ss: Yes, it is. (老师猜对后,拿走图卡,并在图卡后写上自己的名字)

T:It’s Miss Li’s cat.( 引导学生重复三次)

2. Game time.

Make sure Ss know the rules of the game and then play the game.

3.Show time:

Ss recall all the toy cards and read them aloud. The one with the card should get to the Bb and hold the card up. X Kb1.C om

Ss: Dog. It’s X’s dog.

(设计意图:通过游戏示范,引出目标句型Is it …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.并进行游戏,让学生有游戏中突破重点和难点)

Step 4. Mime and guess.(8`)

1. The kids holding with cards standing before the Bb and facing to Ss. One card showed up:

T: Is it a dog? Is it a dog? (用两只老虎的旋律,唱歌谣的形式猜测,请学生做动作等给予老师提示)

Ss: No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.

T: Is it a bear? Is it a bear?

… …

2. Show time.

(设计意图:通过Mime and guess 这一活动,巧妙地结合歌谣,重点操练句子Is it a …?及其回答。)

Step 5. Song..(4`)

Ss sing and act the songs.


Step 6. Game over(1`)

T:Take care of the toys.

Take care of yourself.


Step 7 Let’s talk. P50(6`)

1. Watch and answer: Is it Jiamin’s dog?

2. Watch and repeat.

3. Read together or in groups.


Step 8 Group work(5`)

Show time: Ss act it out in groups.


Step 9 Homework.(1`)

1. 用英文列表家里的toys,注明谁送的,可别忘了整理好自己的物品哟!

2. 抄写U9单词

3. 听、读U9三次


Unit 9 Is it a cat ?

Is it a …? Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.