

( )1. A: dog
B: go
C: hot
( )2.A: pig
B: milk
C: like
( )3.A: red
B: bed
C: she
( )4. A: apple
B: make
C: cat
( )5. A: good
B: book
C: room

II 英汉互译(10分)

1. a place of interest _________
2. 乘公交车________
3. 打开________
4, November third ________
5. 堆雪人________

III 想一想,在写出两个同类词。( 10分)

1. America ________ ________
2.east ________ ________
3. piano ________ ________
4. February________ ________
5. spring ________ ________

IV 选出最佳答案(10分)

( ) 1. Each season ___ three months.

A: have
B: is
C: has

( )2. ____ are you going there?

A: How
B: What
C: Where

( )3. Have a good time! _______.

B: Thank you
C: Yes

( )4. Yesterday ____ my father’s birthday.

A: is
B: was
C: are

( )5. When were you _____?

A: born
B: burn
C: day

( )6. ____ is in spring.

A: February
B: August
C: September

( )7. I often pick apples in _____.

A: today
B: fall
C: spring

( )8.如何告诉别人你擅长弹吉他 _______

A: I’m interested in music.
B: I’m good at play the guitar.
C: I’m good at playing the guitar.

( )9. I will _____ Chongqing next week.

A: visit
B: see
C: go

( )10.I haven’t got my umbrella. ________.

A: You may use mine.
B: It’s rainy.
C: Thanks a lot.

V 找出错误的一项并改正(10分)

( )1. How many season are there in a year? _________

( )2. I was born in September first. _________

( ) 3. I want watch Channel 5. _____________

( )4. Would you please sing we a song? __________

( )5. We are going to Beijing on a holiday. _________

VI 找出每个问句的答语,将序号填入括号内(10分)

( )1. What’s the date today?

( )2. What do you want to do on your birthday?

( )3. What do you want for your birthday?

( )4. What can you do?

( )5. May I play video games?

A: I’m afraid not. B: Have a party.

C: I can play the violin.

D: It’s June first.

E: I want a nice birthday cake.

VII 连词成句(10分)

1. like , to , the, TV, play, watch, I’d (。)


2. plane, I’m , to , Shanghai , going, by, (。)


3. holiday , winter, coming , the , is , soon (。)


4. sports, may, I, join, club, the (?)


5. months, how, many, in , season , there, a , are (?)


VIII 阅读理解(10分)

A 根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误( F ) (10分)

Hi! My name is Anna. I’m Chinese. But I live in England. I speak English very well,but sometimes I make mistakes. (犯错)

Yesterday we went on a school visit to a farm. I was very happy. I said I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised (吃惊) and I

didn’t know why.

My teacher said, “ Anna, we are going to a farm, not to a lake or the sea. There are no ships on the farm.”

Then I knew my mistake . I wanted to say “sheep “ , the animal that says” mie...” , not “ ship” a big boat on the water! It was very funny. My friends laughed. Then we all said the word,“ Sheep, sheep!”

( )1. Anna is an English girl and lives in China now.

( )2. Anna always makes mistakes and cannot speak English


( )3. They went to the school farm yesterday.

( )4. Anna thought they went to a lake.

( )5. Anna wanted to see a sheep , not a ship.


Our eyes are very important (重要)to us. They are like cameras. We can see beautiful things and colours around with our eyes. But if we don’t take care of them, they may be hurt. How do we protect( 保护) our eyes?

On sunny days, the sun shines brightly( 明亮), we’d better wear our sunglasses. When we read , we shouldn’t stay too close to our books and the light shouldn’t be too bright or too dark.(暗) We mustn’t read in bed. It’s bad for our eyes. We mustn’t rub(揉)our eyes with dirty hands or play games on computer too long.


( )1. Our eyes may be hurt if we _____

A: read books
B: stay too close to our books
C: don’t read in bed

( )2. It’s good for us ____

A: to read in the sunshine
B: to rub our eyes with dirty hands
C: not to play games on computer for a long time

( )3. When we read , the light should be _____

A: brighter than the sunshine
B: darker
C: neither too bright or too dark

4.How do we protect our eyes? 的意思是__________________




1. Chin____
2. airp__ __ t
3. fl___ te
4. J___ ly
5. kick a g__ ___ l
6. a football m__ tch
7. s__ __th
8. Jan__ __ ry 15 th
9. a bus st___ p 1
0. a pres__ __t


( ) Where are you going now?

( ) I’m from America.

( ) Where are you from?

( ) Where is New York?

( ) I’m going to New York.

( ) It’s in the east of America.

( ) I’ll visit there.

( ) It’s a beautiful place.