
New words: hat, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, coat, scarf…

Sentence patterns: Do you like …

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.


New words: hat, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, coat, scarf…

Sentences: Do you like … Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.


Word cards, picture, tape-recorder, projector


Ⅰ。 Free talk

Ⅱ。 Presentation

Bring in two different coloured items of the same clothing or draw them for the paper doll, e.g. a green and a red T-shirt.

( Books closed ) Revise the names of the clothes. Put two of the same item of clothing side by side and walk around pretending to decide which one you like. Say I like the green T-shirt . I like the red T-shirt. Name a pupil, hold one T-shirt up and ask Do you like this T-shirt? Prompt them to reply Yes, I do or No, I don’t. Then hold up the other T-shirt and repeat the process.

Repeat the process with other items of clothing.

Get a pupil to ask you the question, e.g. Do you like this T-shirt? Answer Yes, I do. Repeat the process with a different pupil and item of clothing and answer No, I don’t. I like that …Ask the pupils about the various items

of clothing, prompting both Yes, I do and No, I don’t/No, I don’t. I like that… answers.

Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.

III. Practice

1. Get two pupils to come out to the front to act Tim and his mother. Repeat the process with two more to act Pat and her mother.

2. Show the pupils the thought bubbles of the children in picture 3. Tell them that a tick in their thought bubble indicates they like the item of clothing. A cross indicates they do not like it. Help the pupils to complete two conversations. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to complete the other conversations.

1.Copybook 33

2.Workbook 45

3.Review what we learned today.


Unit 9 Clothes

Do you like this T-shirt?

Yes, I do.

Do you like this dress?

No, I don’t.

I like that pink dress.