
我班共有学生40人,男生有23人,女生有17人,其中学困生有12人, 学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;回家不会学习,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书。我们农村的孩子知识面窄,社会阅历浅,识字的家长外出打工,几乎没有懂英语的家长辅导孩子。总之,我么班学生的英语底子薄,基础较差。虽然有这么多的困难,但是只要我们师生共同努力,共同学习,就会共同进步,共同提高的,我是相信功夫不负有心人的。


本课主要探讨了李明最喜欢的衣服,教学时可以围绕此话题,引申到询问别人的爱好。通过以往的教学可以发现学生要想真正掌握this, that, these, those这4个并不容易,所以需要通过反复的练习以达到让学生掌握的目标,所以教学任务比较艰巨,教学时应反复操练。



(1)掌握词汇:this, that, these, those

(2)短语及句型:I like …/I don’t like …








1、掌握四会单词this, that, these, those,并区分它们的用法。

2、用I like this/ that…I don’t like these /those…句型表达自己对某一物品的好恶。


Step I Greeting and Review

T:Hello, boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Miss Yin!

T: I’m your new teacher . Are you happy ?

Ss: Yes!

T: Boys and girls! I’m Li Ming . I will go on a trip to Beijing. But my clothes are not right. Look! This is a clothes shop .I want to buy some new clothes. I need a clerk . Would you like to come and have a try?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s have a interview . Pass the interviews . You will be my clerk .Come on ,children !The first interview .What colour is it ?

Ss: It’s …


T: What’s your favourite colour?

Ss: My favourite colour is …

[设计意图:创设情景 ,温故知新为新授作准备。]

Step II New Concepts

1. Presentation

this that these those

T: These are the clothes in the shop. What’s in the shop? What’s this ?

S1: This is a/an …

T: This is near . The girl is near.“this , this ” Read it ,please! (将字母i s的读音写在黑板上)

Ss: This.

T: Good! And what’s that?

S2: A green sweater.

T: Yes. That is a green sweater . That is far. The boy is far . “that that” say it ,please.(叫班中前面和后面的同学练习near far)

T: Is this a blue pants?

Ss: No.

T: These are blue pants. “these these ” say it ,please .

(用单词的复数形式练习 these和 those,方法同前。学生边回答,教师边板书。写出ese的读音)

T: Talk about the pictures with your partner.

(观看大屏幕,同桌用these those this that 做练习)



T: Boys and girls ,this is near ,that is far. Let’s chant.(播放视频)

①Listen ② Listen and sing ③ Listen, sing and do the actions.


I like / don’t like … Race.

T: Children ! You did a good job. Look ! Let’s meet the second interview . I like this blue skirt .Do you like this blue skirt ?

S1: Yes , I like it .

T: I like …(同种方法学习I don’t like ..)Look at the screen and talk with your partner .


2. Practice : Listen to the tape and answer.

T: Boys and girls ! Li Ming is choosing his favourite clothes . Take out this paper , listen and fill in the blanks . Correct the answers .


Step III Production

T: Boys and girls . You are so smart .Look ! The last interview. To be Li Ming’s clerk . Before that let’s have a training .” Hello! Welcome to our shop. May I help you ?” Are you ready ? Let’s go .

(仿照例子学生分组编对话,练习I like this/these …和I don’t like that/those …句型,准备好后给全班表演。)

T: OK, you are my clerk now.

(在一个回答正确的学生胸前贴上“CLERK 01”,一个接一个地继续招聘其他导购。在这个过程中,对学生出现语法错误,教师适时讲解。凡被录用的导购,教师都为他们佩带导购标志。)

T: Thank you very much! You are all Li Ming’s clerks now. Congratulations!



Step IV Class Closing

T: You all did a good job today!(全班鼓掌)Class is over. Bye !

Ss: Bye!