
Part A


1. Tell the children to do something by themselves..

2. Can listen and say the sentences of Part A.

3. Knowledge: cut next finally drew the plan scissors glue tied…to… rag straw smell


cut next finally drew the plan scissors glue tied…to… rag straw smell

1. Read the dialogue of Part A.


1. Tasks teaching method.

2. Audio-lingual Method.

3. Communicative Method.


Pictures, cards, recorder, tape


Step 1 Lead in

1. Greetings.

2. Warm up: 游戏---Guess, guess, guess! 教师说出教室中所见某物的单词首字母,学生猜该物是什么。然后让一名学生充当小老师。 T: I can see something beginning with the letter “D” with my eyes. What is it? S: Is it a door? …。

Step 2 Presentation

1. 教学单词和句型:cut next finally drew the plan scissors glue tied…to… rag straw smell

2. 听课文A 部分录音,整体感知课文内容。并思考以下问题: What materials did Peter have for making a kite? Peter cut the bamboo with what? What did Peter draw on a piece of paper? What did Peter cut the paper with? What did Peter paint on the piece of paper with? What did Peter paste onto the pieces of bamboo with? What did Peter tie to the kite? Did Peter and Anne go to the park and fly the kite? What happened to them?

3. Listen to Part A 、B and read after the tape.

4. 自由朗读。

Step 3 Practice Read and perform Part A.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Read and perform Part A.

2. Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。

3. Homework: Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5 times. Make some sentences with the sentence pattern.


cut next finally drew the plan scissors glue tied…to… rag straw smell