Step 1 Lead-in and review: Ask and answer

T:Hello . What’s your name ?

S:I’m Lily .

T: Nice to meet you ! What’s this ?

S:It’s a pen .

T:Yes , this is my book . (板书)

What are these ?

S:These are books .

T:Yes , these are my pens . (板书)

Read after me . This is my pen . These are my books .

Can you say ? Ok , you , please .

S:This is my pen . These are my books .

T:You’re good . Can you open your book ?

S:Yes , I can . (请生做,师板书open)

T:Can you close your book ?

S:Yes , I can . (请生做,师板书close)

T:Can you touch me ?

S:Yes , I can .(请生做,师板书touch)

T:You’re so excellent . Ok now , let’s say and do .(边说边做touch , open , close等词)

Step 2 Presentation

Activity 1:Guessing game

T: Do you like guessing games ?

S:Yes .

T:Ok , listen please . It’s an animal . It has two long ears . It likes carrots . What is it ? (老师画简笔画提示学生)
