
《义务教育课程标准实验教科书· 牛津小学英语》6B第一单元第三教时(A. Listen, read and say P7部分、


1. 能正确听说读写词汇have any brothers or sisters,the only child,in your family,one year younger than me,my mum says,Jack's dog, you've got.

2. 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型。

3. 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

4. 能正确完成P7练习。


1. 能正确听说读写词汇have any brothers or sisters,the only child,in your family,one year younger than me,my mum says,Jack's dog, you’ve got.

2. 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。


a、 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

b、 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型。


a、 教具准备依照课本制作多媒体课件。

b、 准备录音机和本课A部分的磁带,小黑板一块。

c、 准备A部分的图片。

d、 板书准备预先写好课题Unit 1 Who is younger?


A. 听歌曲I wish I was taller.

B. Free talk

T: Who’s taller than xxx?

S: xxx is taller than xxx. /xxx is as tall as xxx. (举班级中两个学生为例,一个高一个矮、

T: Who’s younger than xxx?

S: xxx's (twenty minutes、 younger than xxx.(举班级中两个年龄有差异的学生为例、

T: Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

S: Yours, I think. (拎起两个书包,比比轻重、

T: Who is shorter/stronger than xxx?

T: Whose rubber is bigger, his or hers? …

C. Revision

a、 听Part A前半部分录音

T: Today we’ll Listen to a dialogue, and find out the answer.

1、 When did Su Hai meet Ben and her cousin?

2、 Where did they have a chat?

3、 Does Su Hai have a twin sister? What’s her name?

4、 Do they look the same? Who's younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?

5、 Is Su Hai as tall as her twin sister?

b、 Let Ss listen to the tape, answer it.

1、 On Sunday morning.

2、 In the park under a big tree.

3、 Yes, she is. Her name is Su Yang.

4、 Yes, they do. Su Yang is younger.

5、 No, she isn’t. Su Hai is taller than Su Yang.

D. Presentation and practice:

1. 师生对话引出新授课文。

T: Are you xxx?

S1: Yes.

T: How old are you, xxx?

S1: I'm 13.

T: How old are you, xxx?

S2: I'm 13.

T: Oh, xxx is as old as xxx.

S3: I'm 14.

T: Oh, xxx is one year older than xxx.

(教师可根据实际情况,也可利用图片引导学生操练Ss practice in pairs、

2. 继续学习课文T asks S1: How many people are there in your family?

S1: Three.

T: Who are they?

S1: They are my father, my mother and I.

T: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

S1: No, I don’t have any brother or sisters.

T: So you’re the only child in your family.


3. T asks S2: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

S2: No, I don’t.

T: So you’re the only child in your family, too.

引导S1说出So he’s the only child in his family. (教授the only child、

4. T: Do you have any cats or dogs?

Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Do you think they are our friends?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: Do you think they are our brothers or sisters?

Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

5. 教师指图片T: And Jack’s got a brother, is he a boy or a dog? Listen to the tape.

6. Let Ss listen to the tape two times, answer it .

1、 Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?

(No, he's the only child in his family.)

2、 How old is Jack?

(He's six. He's one year older than Jimmy.)

3、 Is Jack the only child?

(Yes, he is.)

4、 How old is Jack?

(He’s six.)

5、 How old is Jimmy?

(It’s five.)

E. Listen, read and practice

1. 看图片听录音。(让同学们把书翻到P7,教师可将此页图制成多媒体出示)

2. 模仿录音,朗读课文一遍,看图片,操练与课文相关的对话。

3. 教师出示课文中的两张图片

T: Please say something about the two pictures.


4. 完成P7练习(多媒体出示)。

(cousin, six, dog, younger.)

F. Consolidation

1. Play a game.

l Have S1 tell T or S2 the friend's name

l Have T or S2 introduce the friend

l Have other Ss guess

l Play this game in the group

2. 完成补充练习

G. Homework

1. 听录音,用正确的语音朗读本课课文。

2. 抄写本课要求掌握的词组。

3. 小组进行课文的表演,根据实际情况进行创作。

4. 调查班级同学的年龄和身高,为下一节课做好准备。

I. 参考答案

1、 cousin, six, dog, younger

2、thinner, long, taller, says, him