
Caddie老师写下你的名字,眼前就出现了你那张可爱的圆圆小脸。你是咱们班进步最大的一个宝宝,看着你一天比一天能干、一天比一天优秀,这真是让老师太开心了!记得Joyce刚上幼儿园的那几天,眼泪天天挂在脸颊上,把爸爸妈妈老师们都心疼坏了。但是过了不久Joyce就和班上的老师成为了好朋友,和玩具宝宝也成为了好朋友。现在的Joyce呀,可让老师骄傲啦!有Joyce在课堂上,咱们的课堂气氛都越来越好了呢,Joyce会用甜甜的声音跟着老师一起说英语,还会用简单的单词回应了呢;Joyce现在还会自己做很多事情呢,穿脱鞋子、上厕所自己脱裤子、收玩具、连睡觉都会自己脱衣服,比很多哥哥姐姐都能干……幼儿园所有的老师都喜欢到咱们班来瞧瞧,因为我们班有个聪明可爱的“开心果”呀!游戏活动中你和小朋友一起快乐的笑声、俏皮声,声声入耳。老师相信在新的一年里你会带给大家更多的快乐!Joyce is an absolute joy! She is always enthusiastic, smiling, and working hard. She is always happy to work hard and learns new things easily. She is especially good at animals and shapes. Also, one of the biggest advantages of studying a foreign language as a child is that they can absorb rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation more naturally, and Joyce has made impressive progress in all those areas. For Joyce, I hope that next term she will continue to have fun in class and keep making good strides in English!
