
知道吗?老师还记得开学自我介绍的时候你说过最喜欢的颜色是红色,最喜欢的东西是火箭呢!Alex对火箭的痴迷程度令老师们惊叹。小宝贝喜欢自由的玩玩具,在放松的状态下你能充分发挥你的想象力和创造力,建构出好多种火箭造型并向老师介绍火箭会怎样发射。瞧那副认真的模样,俨然是个“火箭研究小专家”。 你还愿意将作品和想法呈现给老师看,而当老师给予肯定和表扬时,你的脸笑得像一朵花,看来你很享受被表扬的感觉哦! 聪明的Alex对一切事物都感到稀奇,也是个爱问“为什么”的宝宝。你有一双非常漂亮的大眼睛,在你开动脑筋时它总是那么明亮。经过一个学期的生活,你已经能愉快地与小朋友一起游戏、学本领了。你在幼儿园中待人有礼貌,积极参加各类学习探索活动,特别是在音乐活动中,总能听见你响亮的歌声,表演后总不忘说一声谢谢大家!最让老师惊喜的是你丰富的想象力,你的小脑袋就是个百宝袋,里面装满了各种奇思妙想!你知道吗,老师和小朋友都很喜欢你,因为你有那么多的本领。新一年即将到来,相信我们的Alex会更大胆、活泼!Alex is a wonderful child. He has made a lot of progress this term. He learns new words very quickly and has participates in class more in class. He speaks up more in class and interacts with other students more than at the beginning of the term. I am very impressed with how quickly he absorbs new material-- in class, after being introduced to new words and phrases, Alex is often the first student to show me he has fully earned the new material and apply it in class. He also displays a great deal of curiosity, constantly asking questions about English and taking care to learn the answers. Next term I hope Alex will continue in the same direction he has so far and learn more conversational skills.
