
你是个聪明、活泼的小男孩,很大方,特别愿意和老师、小朋友说话,在和你的谈话中,让老师感受到了你的聪慧,你知道很多东西,让同伴们很是佩服!和你相处的日子里,你带给了我们很多的欢乐。上课时你爱动脑筋,积极发言,回答问题声音也响亮。小老师、小组长工作认真负责,老师很高兴有你这样的小帮手。 Chris is a great student. He is always eager to learn, setting a good example in class while learning a lot. I am especially impressed at his ability to apply new language-- he is one of the best at using new words he has learned correctly and making new sentences, And he is warm, caring, and a good leader as well. Next term, we will work hard on learning more grammar and not being distracted by his friends. I am very pleased with Chris and his continual smile and hard work in class-- good job, Chris!


走路都不稳的小不点儿,你眯着眼睛傻傻地笑的样子着实可爱,我们大家都喜欢你!开学初你的“小恶魔” 形象还深深印在老师们的脑海中呢!每天一回到幼儿园,哭得眼泪鼻涕一大把,好不容易停下来了,小拳头就不听使唤落在旁边的小伙伴身上,被老师一批评,二话不说直接赖地上不起来啦;还有,图书馆的好几本绘本都在哭诉你又把他们的封面给撕了呢~~不过,小家伙后来进步可真大呀,早上笑嘻嘻上幼儿园,还能在老师提醒下,大声跟老师们打招呼啦;吃饭也干净多了,不用老师喂,自己就能交个“白白碗”啦;课堂上还总能看到你高高举起的小手,上新课的时候,还能从你嘴里蹦出其他宝宝都不知道的新单词,课后经常会问许多“为什么”,对周围事物充满了好奇。可能是因为年龄原因,你的自控能力还不够强,相信你随着年龄的增长,你的进步会越来越棒的,我们共同努力吧!Andy is a great boy. He has come very far this year. He has learned many words, and can tell me many colors, foods, animals, shapes, and even transport vehicles from memory. Most impressively, as one of the youngest students in the class, his pronunciation and speech patterns are perhaps the most natural f all the students. When he is learning new grammar structures, it takes him no time at all to pronounce them with native rhythm and intonation. Behaviorally, he is also growing. I am pleased he become less aggressive this term. I hope next term he will learn more phrases and work on respecting the other students and the instruction of the teachers more. Good work, Andy!
