
1、单词this, that; car,cap,hat,monster.

2、句式: “ What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ....”


本课时重点讲授关于物品名称的单词cap/ hat /car/monster 和What’s this? What’s that? It’s....句型。

需要特别注意this和 that的正确读音和表达。


【Warm–up 】

1. 师生相互问候

T: Good morning ,Boys and girls! S

s: Good morning,Diana!

T: How are you today?

S1: I'm fine.

S2: I’m OK.

S3: I’m great. And you?

T: Me,too. (课前轻松自然的用英语进行相互问候,既拉近了师生间的距离,又营造了英语学习的氛围。)

2.师生共同说说唱唱 Up, up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back, back, go back.. Out, out, go out. In, in ,come in. (在教师自编的说说唱唱中,师生一起边唱边做动作,注重语言学习的互动模式,调动了整个课 堂的气氛,创设了英语语言学习环境。)

3. 师生问答

T:Is this your pencil?

S4: Yes, it is. T:Is this a pen?

S5: No, it isn’t. It’s an eraser.

T:Is that your bag?

S6: Yes, it is.

T:You are so smart ! You did a good job ! ( 对学生进行简单提问,初步了解学生学习情况,起到温故而知新的作用,同时为下一步上课营造一种愉悦的英语氛围, 学生在师生交流中产生学英语和说英语的欲望及热情. )
