
本节课要掌握的词汇是:Dr, be born, modern, go on, leader, free, finally, historical, against, emperor, memorial, hall, memorial hall.要掌握的重点句子是:1)Dr Sun Yatsen was a famous historical person. 2)He was born in Guangdong.3) Dr Sun Yatsen was the father of modern China. 4)He was a great leader. 5)He was against the emperor. 6)He tried to change China and free the people. 7)He loved the people and the people loved him.

上课依此,我先跟学生来个Free Talk: What date was yesterday? (It was March 12th.) What festival was yesterday? (It was Tree Planting Day.) Oh, it was Tree Planting Day. Why Chinese Tree Planting Day is on March 12th?以这个问题引出课题:Unit 7 Dr SunYatsen 并播放一段关于孙中山生平的录像给学生观看,为学生提供“说”的材料。


先从课题提出问题:Who was Dr SunYatsen? 并以此问题来学习Dr Sun Yatsen was a famous historical person. He was the father of modern China. 接着提出When was he born? Where was he born?的问题,让学生学习He was born in Buangdong, Zhongshan in 1866.再提出问题What did he do?学习He was against the emperor. He tried to change China and free the people. 最后提出What do people think of him?的问题,引出He was a great leader. He loved the people and the people loved him.

在教学过程中,我还为学生拓展了孙中山的故居Dr Sun Yatsen’s Old House------翠亨村,以及孙中山的陵墓Dr Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum------中山陵。
