一、 选出不同类的词

( ) 1. A. winter
C. summer
D. season
( ) 2. A.shorts
B. skirts
C. clothes
D. coat
( ) 3. A. tain
B. foggy
C. sunny
D. cloudy
( ) 4. A. cold
B. snow
C. warm
( ) 5. A. yesterday
B. tomorrow
C. day
D. today
( ) 6. A. June
B. March
C. month
D. February


1. Beijing is very cold in winter. But it’s _______________in summer.

2. The floor is not dry . It’s ________________

3. It’s cool in spring. And it’s _______________in autumn here.

4. Don’t put your shoes on the bed. Put them _______________it please.

5. Mr White is not old. He’s _______________

6. I don’t like this ugly toy. I like that_______________one.

7. Is your brother tall or _______________? He’s tall.

8. Your pet is fat. Mine is _______________


( ) 1. Are those _________books? No. _________are in my bag.

A. your…my
C. your…。mine

( ) 2. ____English taecher is from England. _________is from America..

A. Hamburger
B. Chips
C. Zongzi

( ) 3. Is this pear for _________. No. It’s for_________

A. me …her
B. me …she
C. me…hers

( ) 4. They like sitting _________the fire..

A. in
B. on
C. by

( ) 5. It’s warm _________spring.

A. on
B. in
C. at

( ) 6. My mother’s birthday is _________December. And my father’s is vMay 10th

A. in …in
B. in…on
C. on…in

( ) 7. Today is very hot. It’s _________than yesterday..

B. hotter
C. hottest

( ) 8. Shenyang is _________colder than Guangzhou in winter.

A.very .
B. more
C. much

( ) 9. What _____ the weather _____ like tomorrow?

A. is…be
B. will…be
C. does…be

( ) 10. This is my cat. _____ a lovely cat. _____ eyes are big.

A. It’s…It’s
B. Its…Its
C. It’s…Its


1. The children are _________________(吃雪糕)。

2. Are they ________________(堆雪人)。

3. We can ________________ in summer(穿短裤或裙子)。

4. We are ________________(去观光) next week.

5. My brother often ________________(在公园里玩)。

6. Which is ________________(最冷的月份)?

7. She________________now(穿上雨衣)。

8. Do you ________________(赞成他的意见)?


1. today, tomorrow, will, be, it, warmer, than


2. in, city, which, is, hottest, month, the, your?


3. is, to, from, September, November, autumn


4. cold, weather, the, is, in, very, Beijing, winter, in


5. now, is, the, New Zealand, in, like, weather, what?


6. we, in, the, can, mountains, there, ski?



1. a r_____ day
2. a f_____ day
3. do h______ h_______
4. a s_____ day
5. a h_____ day
6. p_____ t______
7. g____ c__________
8. C_______ f_____


Liming is a Chinese boy. He is now studies English in America. Liming is also a newspaper boy. He is fourteen years old. He delivers newspaper and magazines(杂志) every morning before going to school. He does it to earn some money. He gets to the news shop at seven o’clock for the newspaper and magazines. Then he delivers them to about 55 families. His pay is about 1800 yuan per month.

( ) 1. Liming is from China.

( ) 2. He delivers newspaper and magazines after school.

( ) 3. Liming wants some money.

( ) 4. Liming gets up early in the morning.

( ) 5. He goes to school at seven o’clock.