7. I had written my composition before the bell rang.


【构成】had +过去分词(动词-ed)

【常用的时间短语】by the time…, by the end of等。例如:

The train had left by the time we got to the station.

He had learned 3000 English by the end of last term.

The children ran away because they had broken the window.

Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.

He told me that he had broken his glasses.


He came in and sat down, and then took out his pen.

或者有after, before时,如:

After we said goodbye to them, we left the village. 我们向他们道别后,离开了村庄。

I heard a sudden cry just before I turned off the light. 就在我熄灯前,我听到突如其来的一声叫喊。
