
1. nurse
2. chair
3. bread
4. gift
5. T-shirt
6. table
7. sweet
8. sofa
9. cook
10. sweater
11. milk
12. desk
13. chocolate
14. hot dog
15. rice
16. doctor
17. worker
18. skirt
19. coat
20. juice
21. bell
22. card
23. hamburger
24. cake
25. teacher







( )1.当你想知道这个东西是什么时,可以问__________

A. What’s this?
B. What’s that?

( ) 2.当你指着夜空的月亮叫别人看时,可以说__________

A. Look at the sun.
B. Look at the moon.

( ) 3.当你想要来个汉堡时,可以说__________

A. A hot dog, please.
B. A hamburger, please.

( ) 4.当你想把礼物送给朋友时,可以说_________

A. The gift is for you.
B. The card is for you.

( ) 5.爸爸叫你穿上外套,可以说__________

A. Put on your coat, please.
B. Take off your coat, please.

( ) 6.爸爸叫你脱下毛衣,可以说__________

A. Take off your sweater, please.
B. Take off your coat, please.

( ) 7.你想请别人吃香蕉,可以说__________

A. Have some bananas, please.
B. Some bananas, please.


1. What’s this? It’s a (potatoes / potato)。

2. What are these? They are (tomatoes / tomato)。

3. Those are (butterfly / butterflies)。

4. What’s this? It’s (a / an) ant.

5. (Put / Take) off your sweater.

6. (Clean / Close) the chair, please.

7. The chocolate (is / are) for you.

8. Look at the bright (moon / gift)。

9. (Have / 不填) some milk, please. Here you are.

10. (Have / 不填) a hamburger, please. Thank you.