
( )1. 你想知道远处的物品是椅子吗,你会问

A. Is this a chair?
B. Is that a chair?
C. What is chair?

( )2. 你想知道远处的一些物品是什么,你会问

A. What is this?
B. What are those?
C. What is that?

( )3. 你想知道近处的这个物品是什么,你会问

A. What are these?
B. What are those?
C. What is this?

( )4. 你想知道远处的一些物品是什么,你会问

A. What are these?
B. What is that?
C. What are those?


( )1.What is this? ________a carrot.

A. it’s
B. It’s
C. This is

( )2.What ________these?

A. am
C. are

( )3.What are those? They are_________ .

A. a tomato
B. tomatos and potatoes
C. tomatoes