
I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。

Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗?

I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对…… 问题怎么看。


Another point is that … 另一点是……

Another way of looking at it is … 看这个问题的另一个看法是……

I forgot to say / tell you that … 我忘记要讲……


That's all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。

Do you agree? I'm sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。


As you said… 像你所说的那样……

But didn't you say that … ? 但是,难道你没说过……吗?

If I understood you correctly, you said that … 要是我理解正确的话,你说过……


I'm not sure really.

Do you think so?

Well, it depends.

I'm not so certain.

Well, I'm not so sure about that.

I'm inclined to disagree with that.

No, I don't think so really.


I disagree.

I disagree with you entirely.

I'm afraid I don't agree.

I'm afraid you are wrong there.

I wouldn't accept that for one minute.

You can't really mean that.

You can't be serious.