⒈ your science who’s teacher (?)


⒉ you Ms do know (?)


⒊ tall she’s strict and (。)


⒋ she quiet is (?)


⒌ like what’s she (?)


⒍ that young who’s teacher (?)


⒎ very she’s quiet clever and (。)X


⒏ my maths new teacher funny is(。)


⒐ he and is thin short (。)


⒑ young is strict she and (?)


⒒ is what like she (?)


⒓ you let show me(。)


⒔ a teacher PE is football our player (?)


⒕ you do on what have Wednesdays (?)


⒖ English on we maths have Fridays and (。)


⒗ bread have and some beef (。)


⒘ I a have class your grandma with (。)


⒙ read on I books Saturdays (。)


⒚ and have maths English Tuesdays we on (。)


⒛ do homework too my I (。)


21 on you do what do Sundays (?)


22 have I class a cooking (。)


23. favourite Grandpa’s drink tea is (。)


24. don’t milk orange juice but I like OK is(。)


25. are Onions favourite my vegetable(。)


26. can what do you (?)


27. sing can English I songs (。)


28. will some kungfu we do (。)


29. pictures who draw can (?)


30. you I help can (。)


32.Make you a can robot (?)


33.I’ll football today play (。)


34.My be who friend can (?)


35.The he play can’t erhu(。)


36. me email please an send (。)


37.things you I do can for (。)


38.he swim can away (。)


39.throw into don’t me lake the (。)htt


40.can’t Sarah cartoons draw (。)


41.pictures can I draw (。)


42.have next we’ll party Sunday a (。)


43. clock in is room there a my (。)


44.nice photo there a is (。)


45.rainbow let’s a paint (。)


46.bed my I like (。)


47.tree there a in of house front is the (。)


48.draw well my can very father (。)


49.pictures are so here there many (。)


50.can beside there river is a the (。)


51.monkey here a comes (。)


52.a cow I big see (。)


53.count ten let’s to (。)


54.mouse house is in there a the(。)


55.white bird there big a is (?)


56.river is there a mountain front of in the (。)


57.house there over there a is (。)


58.can pictures we take some (。)


59.house people any are at there the (?)


60.nature park to let’s go the (。)
