
o P

d  q


1. O Q  2. Gg

3. Hh Jj 4. l n

5. Bb  6. d f

三、 中英文互译 (10分)

1. look at________
2. 这是…________
3. a nice jacket________
4. 看起来棒极了________
5. my new skirt________
6. 那件T恤衫________
7.What colour?________
8. How nice!________
9. Is this a cap?________
10. Good evening.________

四、 连线找朋友(8分)

1. 你想给朋友展示你的新连衣裙说 A. What colour is my new jacket?
2. 当你的好朋友向你展示他的新帽子时,你说 B. How nice!
3. 当你向朋友介绍你妈妈时说 C. Look at my new dress.
4. 当你想知道自己的新夹克衫什么颜色时说 D. This is my mother.

( )1. Look________my cap.

A. in
B. on
C. at

( )2. This is Mike. ________is my brother.

A. She
B. He
C. It

( )3. Look at________ .

A. I
B. T-shirt
C. me

( )4. Look! This is________ skirt.

A. I
B. she
C. my

( )5. ________you Mike?

A. Am
B. is
C. Are


( )1. 我的衬衫是黄色的。

A. My shirt is yellow.
B. My T-shirt is yellow.

( )2. 什么颜色?

A. What colour?
B. What time?

( )3. 看,这是我的新夹克衫。

A. Look at my new jacket.
B. Look, this is my new jacket.

( )4. 这是我的奶奶。

A. This is my grandmother.
B. This is my mother.

( )5. 这是我的鸭舌帽。

A. This is my cat.
B. This is my cap.


( )1.你想让别人看你自己的新T恤衫时,你说

A. This is a T-shirt.
B. Look at my new T-shirt.

( )2. 当你想赞赏对方的衣服很漂亮时,你说

A. It’s great.
B. Thank you.

( )3. 当你想知道某物的颜色时,你可以说

A. What is that?
B. What colour is it?

( )4. 当别人夸你的衣服好看时,你怎么说。

A. How nice!
B. Thank you.

( )5. 你想告诉别人这是你的帽子,你会说

A. This is my cap.
B. Cap.


( )1. Are you Helen? A. How nice!
( )2. She’s Yang Ling. B. It’s red.
( )3. Look at my new skirt. C. No, I’m not.
( )4. What colour is it? D. Thank you.
( )5. It’s great. E. Nice to meet you, Yang Ling.

( )A. How nice!

( )B. Good afternoon, Su Hai. Look at my new skirt.

( )C. Thank you.

( )D. Good afternoon, Yang Ling.


A. morning
B. blue
C. This is
D. How
E. What

Liu Tao: Good , Yang Ling.

Yang Ling: Good , Liu Tao.

Liu Tao: Look! my new cap.

Yang Ling: nice!

Liu Tao: colour is the cap?

Yang Ling: It's .


1. at, Look, skirt, my (。)


2. colour, is, my, What, cap (?)


3. This, my, is, red, jacket (。)
