
1.Help students review how to tell their names with the pattern: I’m… and teach the pattern of asking names: What’s your name? And answered: My name is…

2. Review the boy, Mike. And introduce a boy named David.

3.Stimulate students’ interests in studying English.


1.Make sure that students can tell their names with the pattern: My name is… Help students to ask and to answer: “What’s your name?” and use either “My name is…” or “I’m…” to answer this question.

2.Make sure that students can make the difference between Mike and David. And they enable to read “David” correctly.

3. Ss can ask and answer freely.




 Step 1:warming-up

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I haven’t seen you for a long time. And miss you so much. So I’m very happy to see you. How are you?

Ss: Happy.

Ss: Fine thank you.

T: Happy new year.

Ss: Thank you, happy new year!

T: Let’s sing the song: Happy new year.

 Step 2: presentation

1. This is the first day of new term, and two new students will come to our class. “Da Da Da” Let’s see who is coming?

T puts on the headgear, Ss say “Mike”

2. T: Hi, boys and girls. I’m your old friend, My name is Mike. Mike Mike my name is Mike.

T writes down: My name is… on the blackboard, Ss look at T’s mouth and read.

T: Now you’re all Mike. Ss read after me : Mike Mike my name is Mike.

3. T takes off the headgear, Vivian, vivian, My name is vivian. Hi, what’s your name?

S1: Hi, My name is… (If Ss don’t say “hello” or “Hi”, t gives them hint)

S2: Hello, I’m…

T: Yes,when someone ask your name, you can answer: my name is… (point to the blackboard) And you also can say: I’m …, we have learnt this sentence last term.

T: Hi, what’s your name? (T writes on the blackboard, and Ss look at my mouth, read after me) T emphasizes the pronounce of “your name” and make the difference between “my name” by the gesture.

1) Chain work: Hi, what’s your name? Hello, my name is… . Have a group competition.

2) Make friends: Ss follow T say What’s your name?” several times. T asks Ss to find a classmate and to make friends mutually. (What’s your name? My name is…)

4. T: listen! The sound of crying. T puts on another headgear:I have no friend, I’m the lonely one. Who’s he?

Ss don’t know, let’s ask him together: What’s your name? Ss ask this queation one by one: What’s your name?”

T: Oh, My name is David. David David. (Write down on the blackboard.)

Look at my mouth, then read after me.

Read it as the little train, go go go.

T: Do you want to be my friend?

Ss: Yes.

T: smile, Hello, What’s your name?

S1: I’m S1. (practice with some Ss)

5. T: Daivd and Mike are our new classmate (explain classmate) And they’re all English Boys, can you find any difference between them?

1.Ss answer

2. teacher concluded.

 Step 3 practice.

Open the books and read after the tape recorder together.

Read after teacher together.

Read as different characters.

Read by themselves.( in pairs)

 Step 4: Conclusion

Evaluate students’ performance and give homework.

Step 5: Homework:

Review Part A of this unit.


Unit 1 What’s your name?

Hello! Hi! What’s your name?

Hello! Hi! My name is …。Mike

I’m… David.


We view the Ss that we’ve learnt in last term. They still remember them. And SS like to find the different character of people. So they can find a lot. In the last term, Ss enable to answer the question: What’s your name? in two ways. So to learn the answer: My name is…is not difficult for them. And the name of the boy “David” is not hard for them.