

教学重点:单词head hand 的发音区别

教具:卡片 录音机



(1) How are you? I’m fine ,thank you. Good morning.

How many?

(2)play a game “colour point”

二.New concept

(1)A.出示卡片 教授单词 head arm leg foot hand

B.play a game “touch your …”

C.做的好引出高兴 不好引出悲伤 “ happy sad”

(2) 师: How do you feel?

I feel happy/sad.

I am happy. I am sad.

三.practice in pairs make up dialogue

S1:Hi,How are you?

S2:I’m happy/sad.

S1;How do you feel?

S2:I feel happy/sad.

S1:Are you happy/sad?

S2:Yes,I’m happy/sad. No,I’m not happy/sad.

play a game have an order

stamp your foot wave your arm

shake you leg clap your hand

五. Let’s sing a song

First listen the recoder and then sing after it

六: use the activity book

七: homework copy the word“ arm leg foot head hand”

板书: Lesson 17

Happy Sad

How do you feel? I’m happy/sad.\

head hand