Teach aims: Stusents can use the sentence pattern in this Unit fluently.

Vocabulary: learn, National Day, usually, get up, half past six, walk, toy.

Language: She didn’t walk to school yesterday.

Function: 1. Learn to talk about the things which didn’t happen in the past.

2. Compare the past tense and the present simple tense.

Key points: She didn’t walk to school yesterday.

Difficult points: The difficult words “usually”.

Lingling usually gets up at half past six on Mondays.

She usually walks to school. But she didn’t walk to school yesterday.

The phrases of time, such as: six o’clock, half past six.Teach aids: CAI, pictures, word cards.

Teach procedures:

Step 1 Warmer

Play a game. Ask students to say what they did yesterday one by one. Such as: I washed my clothes. The other student say: She washed her clothes yesterday.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Ask and answer.

When do you usually get up? How do you usually go to school? What do you usually do at school?

Help the students to understand the word “usually”.
