
本课内容选自湘少版小学英语五年级11.We are sorry. 对于本堂课的设计,我始终坚持以学生为主体的教学设计理念,从最先的QQshow导入到用同学们自己的生活照片引出和教授新单词,都是从学生自己的生活细节中寻找教学的材料和灵感,这样使得他们对本课的内容和教学的兴趣度提高,提高了其主动参与学习的积极性。


1. Be able to listen , say the new words : happy sorry sad shy angry and tired .

2. Be able to use the new words in the sentence:She /He is/feels happy/sorry …;Be able to read and understand the conversation in partA .

3. Be able to express their own feelings in daily life and learn to make an apology politely and be a civilized student .


1、How to use the new ads words to express one’s feelings rightly and exactly.

2、The important sentence: I’m happy to hear that .


Step1. Organization of class

1.Greetings:T:Hello,boys and girls !

Nice to meet you ! S:……

2.Warm-up activities:The happy song .

3.Declare the rules of our class competition .

Step2. Presentation

1. T:Do you like playing QQ games , today there is a wonderful QQ show for you !

2. Watch the QQ show .

3. T:Ok , do you enjoy it ? Haha , there is a big surprise for you !

Some students in our class are imitating QQ.Do you want to see ?

4. Teaching the new words by using the typical photos in our class .happy,sorry sad , shy , angry , tired .(教授和操练形式:动作—卡片—中文意思—降升调读—整体操练—检查个体)。


1. 整体动作带读。

2. “我是魔法师!”

3. “Let’s act ! “

4. Let’s chant !

Sorry ,sorry , sorry , we are sorry Sad , sad , sad , she is sad ………。

Step4. Learn partA.

1. Look at the question .

2. Listen and watch the cartoon .

3. Answer the questions .

4. Read after the cartoon .

5. Let’s read it in different roles .

6. Group work : Act the conversation .

Step5.Emotion education


Step6.Let’s talk !

I can dance I feel happy .

I can play basketball I feel happy / tired /…