
本课是《新标准英语》第五册第六模块第一单元内容。本课围绕学生喜欢的“体育项目”这一主题,引出相关的动词及动词短语,学习如何表扬、评价、肯定与鼓励他人。主要语言结构为:“You can jump really high. You were very good at basketball. You can catch the ball well. Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper. Can you pass the ball well? ”这是对以前学过的关于能力的相关知识的拓展和延伸。“I can ...”、“Can you ...”这样的句型是在以前学过的,本课要重点学习在此句型后面加上副词“well”的表达方式。 本课通过Lingling加入足球队一事,让学生学会简单的自我评价和肯定与鼓励他人,进一步学会表达I can„well,You can„well。


五年级学生在以前已经学过了run fast, jump high, play football, play basketball等动词短语,由于长时间没有温故而新,部份学生已遗忘了,这给本课的学习带来一定的困难,需要在课前作相关复习。


1、知识目标:通过学习,能够牢固掌握fantastic,goalkeeper,fan,catch the ball, jump high, control the ball, run fast等与运动有关的单词和短语。

2、能力目标:学会使用恰当的句型来评价他人,如:You can jump really high. You can catch the ball well 等。在小组合作学习中,使学生具备正确评价自己和评价他人的能力。




2、能熟练运用“Can you ... well”,“I can ... well”,“You can ... well”等句型询问、评价自己和他人的能力。


能熟练运用“Can you ... well”,“I can ... well”,“You can ... well”等句型询问、评价自己和他人的能力。




一、I say you do, I do you say.

Today is a little cold, at the first, let’s do some actions.the first time, I say you do.

Well done, this time, I do the actions and you say the sports.

二、Know some sports personalities.

1、Look at this man, who is this? Yes, he is Liu Xiang. He can (run fast.together,(He can run fast)。Then ask the children: Can you run fast?

2、Look at this one, he is Yao Ming. He can play (basketball),I can play basketball too, but he can play basketball well,and I play it not very well. Follow me, He can play basketball well.

3、And just look at this, this is Beckham, He is from (England),he can (play football) very (well)。 He can pass the ball well. OK, look at me,pass the ball(action),pass the ball.He can play football well, it meas he is good at football.(repeat)

4、This man, maybe you don’t know him,but he is a very fantastic goalkeeper.(point to the picture)goalkeeper(ss follow),He is a goalkeeper. He can catch the ball well. Look, he can catch the ball with his hands or feet.(read:catch the ball)。 He is a fantastic goalkeeper.fantastic(ss follow)fantastic means very very good.

5、And this is Chinese football team. They play football not very well.(next page) “not very well”(follow)。They play football not very well now.(repeat)。But I’m their fan.(next page)look,these are the fans of Chinese football team.(follow)

三、Learn the text.

1、Lingling wants to be in the football team, what can she do well? Can she be in the football team?Let’s listen to the text and answer these questions.

2、listen and repeat.


1、Read in roles.

2、Rebuild Quanxing football team.

五、Something in football ground.

Let’s watch the vedio.