
study  physics  lab

chemistry  bottle  Edison

inventor  subject  history

geography  computer  art

English  Chinese  math

PE  music  science


middle school

on holiday

a math teacher

on the fifth floor

on the first floor

our school library

teachers’ office

physics lab

so many bottles


1、I’ll show you around our school.( )


2、This is our classroom building.( )


3、We’ll study physics at middle school. ( )


4、Where are the labs? ( )

This way,please.( )



5、This is a lab for chemistry.( )

Wow,so many bottles!( )



6、Chemistry must be very interesting. ( )


7、That’s Edison,a great inventor.( )


8. I want to be a scientist like Edison.( )


9. What a wonderful dream!( )



①A:This is a wonderful playground.


B: We can play football here.


②A:Where are the labs for chemistry?


B: They are on the ninth floor.


③A: Where are the labs for physics?


B: They are on the ninth floor,too.


④A:Where are the teachers’ offices?


B: They are on the second floor.






