板书: We were thirsty. So we bought a _______.

c. 结合前面的练习,小组内进行We were ______, so we bought _________.

3. 展示中国滑冰运动员张丹在冬奥会摔倒的图片 。

What happened to her?

Learn happen, 与happy对比学习。

并对fell over进行复习。


1)What happened to Sam? 2)What happened to Daming?

Sam fell off his bike.

And Daming fell on the watermelon.

What different among (板书)

fell on 摔…上

fell off 从…摔下

fell over 摔倒

活动一:记忆大比拼。 (1分钟同时展示不同姿态摔倒的照片) What happened to them?

活动二:Do the practice on P35. Practice in pairs

2) Show CD-Rom.

a. Ask and answer

What did they go for? What did they buy?

Where did Sam put the watermelon?

b. Listen and repeat.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension:

1. 自圆其说

用自己的话来描述整篇课文 (根据板书提示完成) —复述

2. 你说我说

出示几幅事故的图片 要求四人小组内任选一幅图进行介绍, 发挥其合力,描述一场事故

Step 4 Summary:

1. Which words we have learnt? 2. Which sentences we have learnt?

2. 进行安全和自我保护意识的教育

Step 5 Homework:

1. Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue.

2. 口头作文:任选情景,口头以过去式叙事 ( 二选一)

(1) 提供开头(Today is my birthday---),学生续编故事。

(2)提供时间、地点、天气(Sunday, park, sunny---), 学生编故事。

Step 6 Blackboard design:

 Module 9 Unit 1 What happened to you?

 go---went We were hungry and thirsty.

 see---saw So we bought a watermelon.

 put---put What happened to you?

 Sam fell off bike

 Daming fell on watermelon.

 fell over
