
1. 知识与能力目标

Words: happened put(put) , thirsty, fell on , fell off

Structure: Talking about a past accident.








2. 情感态度目标


一、 教学重点及难点:

How to talk about a past accident.

二、 课前准备:

tape-recorder some pictures word cards , CD-Rom

三、 教学过程:

Step 1 Warm –up:

1. Chant it! P33

2. Play games(finding friends) present tense---- past tense

3. Free talk!

What did you do last week? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you buy? ( see-saw, go-went, buy-bought)

Step 2 Presentation and practice:

1. Let’s do some actions.

Put your book on the desk. Put your pencil on the book. Put your ruler on your pencil. Put your eraser on the ruler. What did you put? (put-put)

2. a. 双簧表演(pair work)。两人一组,一人在前表演神态,一人隐身在后说句子,对以前所学过的形容词进行汇总复习(hungry, happy, sad, angry..)并且学习thirsty.

b. If you were thirsty, what did you buy?
