
1. 知识与技能目标:学生能正确的书写hospital和stop这两个单词,能够在语境中正确自如的运用going来描述路线。能够准确恰当的运用目标语句“The train is going up a hill”来描述路线。能流利的朗读课文,理解课文意思。

2. 情感与态度目标:通过本课学习使学生保持并巩固英语学习的兴趣、敢干开口,乐于参与各种形式的学习活动,并在鼓励性评价中不断树立学习英语的自信心。


学生能够能熟练运用”It’s going up a hill.”目标语句来描述路线。





学生:教材,task paper.


Step One: Warmer

1. Greeting:Hello,everyone!

2. Do the actions: up up stand up; down down sit down

Step Two:Presentation

T:Did you go any places? Show some pictures to say. How did you go there? (By car, by bus, by train… ) Can you say the routines? Today we are going to learn Module8 Unit1.

Step Three:Practice

1. First listen to the tape and think: Where is the girl? w W w .x K b 1.c o M

2. Listen and repeat, and think: Where is the train ? Look at the slide and choose: The train is going ___ a hill.

3. Then where is the train? Listen to tape.

Judge: True or False

4. Look at the picture and try to put the words in order: The train is gong past the hospital.

Ss: It’s going past a hospital. (学生做火车游戏的时候,马上要经过讲台)

5. Gesture language exercise about “going up , going down , going past”

6. Practise the sentences. And have a competition.

7. Read the dialogue.

Step Four:Production

Look and guess: Where are they?

Listen and follow the route with your finger. Then point and say.

Welcome Ss come to the front and use their train to describe the routines from school to their home.

Task paper.

Step Five:Summary and homework


1. Read the text after class.

2. Copy the words.


Module 8 Unit 1

The train is going up the hill.


past a hospital