Unit 8 Review

一. 教学内容:

Unit 8 Review

二. 重点、难点:

Words, Phrases and Sentences

三. 详细内容:

Lesson 1


1. cow  n. 奶牛

2. check  v. 检查,核对,检测

3. juice  n. 汁,果汁,饮料

4. jam  n. 果酱

5. rabbit n. 兔子

6. tiger  n. 虎

7. weight n. 重量,重

8. hour  n. 小时


1. cow


n. 奶牛

1)the mature female of cattle of the genus 母牛:母牛属于成年雌性牛

2)the mature female of other large animals, such as whales, elephants or moose.


知识拓展: cow, bull, calf与cattle的区别

cattle, bull, cow, calf, ox都可表示“牛”


bull是未阉过的公牛;cow特指母牛或者乳牛,calf 指小牛(A young cow or bull.), ox是指阉过的公牛,或特指拉车的公牛。

2. check


1)the act or an instance of inspecting or testing, as for accuracy or quality; examination 检查:为准确性或质量而做的调查或检验;检查:

the careful check of each unit before sale在出售之前对每一部分所做的仔细检查;

gave the car an oil check. 检查一下汽车的汽油

2)An action or influence that stops motion or expression; a restraint:

阻碍: 使运动或表达中断的动作或影响;阻碍

Heavy rains were a check on the army’s advance.大雨阻挡了军队的前进


check in( to register, as at a hotel.)(旅馆、飞机等)登记;报到

Passengers must check in at the airport an hour before the plane leaves.
