
E. Read and act. F. Listen and repeat.


1) 复习本单元所学习的家庭成员和身体部位单词及相关句型。

2) 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:We’re late for the party. Let’s hurry!

3) 了解辅音字母组合ck的发音。


1) 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:We’re late for the party. Let’s hurry!

2) 了解辅音字母组合ck的发音。


1) 能正确表达日常交际用语:We’re late for the party.

2) 能比较流利地朗读对话,并自编对话。


1) 课件。

2) black, clock, jacket, sock等词卡。

3) 磁带,录音机和实物投影。

4) 学生带一些家庭成员的生活照片。


Step One: Listen and do.

T: Boys and girls, let’s listen and do, OK?

Ps: OK.

T: Touch your nose, touch your mouth, touch your eyes, touch your ears, touch your hair…

Ps: Do the actions.

Step Two: Play games.

Game 1: Guessing game

T: Let’s play a guessing game. I’ll choose six pupils here, and then I’ll cover one pupil’s eyes. We’ll ask him “Who’s the boy with big eyes?” or “Who’s in the red coat?” He’ll guess who he/she is.


Ps: Who’s the girl with long hair?

P2: She’s Nancy.

Ps: Yes, she is.

P3: Who’s the boy in the blue jacket?

P2: He’s Ben.

Ps: No, he isn’t.

Game 2: Look and say

T:Now please take out your photos. (出示一些学生的家庭生活照片。)

Excuse me, who’s the woman with short hair?

P3: She’s my aunt.

T: Where’s your aunt?(师指着照片)

P3: She’s a teacher. She’s at school.

T: Is that woman your mother?

P3: Which one?

T: The one in the blue skirt.

P3: Yes, she is.

T: Where’s she?

P3: She’s at home.

T: Now you talk about your photos with your friends.

师给学生三到四分钟讨论他们的照片, 展示一至两组。

Step Three: Presentation and Practice.


T:Look, this man is my father. He’s a teacher. Where’s he now? Guess, please.

P4: He’s at school.

T: No, he isn’t.

P5: He’s at home.

T: No, he’s at the party.


T:We will go to the party, too. What’s the time now?

P6: It’s eight thirty-four.

T: Oh, we’re late for the party. Let’s hurry.

师教授这两个句子,请学生两两站起来朗读,可用低、中、高音练习,增加趣味性。同时,引导他们做替换练习: We’re late for school. Let’s hurry./We’re late for class. Let’s hurry.等。

T: My father is at the party. But where’s your friend, David? Let’s have a look.


Ps: He’s in the car.

T: Where is he going? Oh, he’s going to the party with his mother and sister.


T: What time is it? Let’s listen!


T: What time is it?

P6: It’s six o’clock.

T: They’re late for the party. Now open your books, let’s listen and repeat.

Ps: Read the dialogue after the tape.

Step Four: Consolidation

1. Work in pairs.

Ps: Read and act the dialogue in roles.

2. Work in groups.

T: (指两名学生)What time do you go to school every day?

P7: Seven fifteen.

T: Suppose it’s seven thirty now. You’re late for school. Can you make a new dialogue? (师在学生能较流利地朗读对话的基础上,以“上学要迟到”为内容,小组讨论,自编对话。)两名学生做示范如下:

P1: Hello, …

P2: Hello, …

P1: Excuse me, what’s the time?

P2(看表): It’s seven thirty.

P1: Oh, we’re late for school.

P2: Yes, let’s hurry.


Step Five: Listen and repeat.


T: Boys and girls, the colourful balloons are so nice. There are some words on them. Can you read? Try, please.

Ps: Black, clock, jacket, sock.

T: Can you find the same among them?

P9: They all have “ ck ”。

T: Yes. We pronounce it [k]. Here’s a sentence for you. Let’s listen and repeat.


Tape: His socks, jacket and clock are black.

Ps: Repeat the sentence.


Step Six: Homework.

1. Listen to the tape of part E and part F.

2. Write a short passage about your family.


Unit 2 At a party

We’re late for the party.

Let’s hurry!

black clock jacket sock

His socks, jacket and clock are black.