2、[ usually + adv/prep ] used to show the position of a person or thing in space or time


The food was already on the table。 食品已经摆在桌上了。

Is anyone there? 那儿有人吗?

The meeting is now (= will happen) next Tuesday。 会议将于下周二召开。

There‘s a hair in my soup。 我的汤里有根头发。

3、used to show what something is made of


Is this plate pure gold? 这个盘子是纯金的吗?


1、to-be:in the near [/en] [cn]未来的

a bride-to-be 待嫁的女子

mothers-to-be 准妈妈们

2、be-all:n.the be-all and end-all:the most important thing最重要的事;一切的一切

We all agreed that winning was not the be-all and end-all。 我们都同意,获胜并不是最重要的事情。

It was the period when everyone saw men in space as the be-all and end-all of space exploration。 那时候,人人都把载人上太空看作是太空探索最重要的事。

3、would-be:adj [ before noun ] 置于名词前;wanting or trying to be 想要做…的;试图成为…的;未来的

a would-be artist/politician 未来的艺术家/政治家


1、be murder :(非正式场合)to be very difficult to do很困难

It‘s murder finding a parking space in town。 在城里很难找到停车位。

2、be all in:If you say that you are all in, you mean that you are very tired and unable to do anything more。筋疲力尽;疲乏到极点

I‘m going home now - I’m all in。 我已经精疲力尽了,现在要回家了。

3、be all go :If a situation or place is all go, it is extremely busy。忙得要命;事情特别多

It was all go in town today。 今天城里特别热闹。
