Listen and repeat:

What's the weather like here in summer?


It's hot.很热.

What do you like doing in summer?


I like swimming.我喜欢游泳.

What's the weather like here in winter?


It's cold and it snows.很冷,还下雪.

What do you like doing in winter?


I like skiing.我喜欢滑雪.

Listen and say.Then chant:

It's hot,it's cold.很热,很冷.

And it's raining,too.还下着雨.

It's sunny,and it's windy.晴天,有风.

We don't know what to do.我们不知道干什么.

It's hot,it's cold.很热,很冷.

And it's raining,too.还下着雨.

It's sunny,and it's windy.晴天,有风.

Is this weather true?这样的天气对吗?