

教师拿出乒乓球拍击打乒乓球,边教读单词。(板书:table tennis)

教师拿出一个乒乓球,让学生一边传球,一边说单词:table tennis。

操练句子:I like table tennis.

指名上台打乒乓球:I like table tennis.




T:Do you like table tennis? I like table tennis very much. Now I want to play basketball.

11、Learn sentence: :I don’t like…

教师拿着篮球转一转说:“Oh, it’s difficult. I don’t like basketball.”

12、Learn words: don’t like

教师带读don’t,做动作及I don’t/I don’t like.师做动作让学生跟读,个别学生表演,各大组表演,全班表演。

13、用I don’t like 造句。

T:I don’t like basketball. Can you say some sentences.

Ss:I don’t like…

14、小结:If you like, we use happy face. We say I like…… .( 出示笑脸表情)If you don’t like, we use sad face.(出示哭脸表情)




 Step 3 Learn the text

1.T:Do you know what happen to Panpan? Let’s listen.(第一遍听录音。)

T: OK, now please listen again with the question: What does Panpan like?

Check answer together: Panpan likes morning exercise.

2.Learn words: morning exercises.教师带领学生做早操的动作,并且跟读单词。 (板书:morning exercises )分音节教授单词exercises


1,2,3,4 ,morning exercises, 2,2,3,4 ,morning exercises,

3,2,3,4 ,morning exercises, 4,2,3,4 ,morning exercises。

T:Oh, You did very good job. We all like morning exercises. We should do morning exercises. It’s good for you.

3. T: Let's read after the CD-ROM and try to imitate the intonation and emotion of Panpan.(Read together and in groups)

 Step 4 Practice

1、Game. What’s missing?

2、Role play.

T:Now I’ll give you 2 minutes to read the text with your partner. Then we’ll have you do role play on the platform.(Pick 3 groups to come to present on the platform)

3.T: In our life, we need a healthy body. We should often do morning exercises, Play basketball, play football and table tennis. Life is movement.

 Step 5 Summary.

T: Today we learn some words about sports. Let’s read together.

今天我们学习了四种运动的名称,还学会了用I like…和I don’t like…来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目,你们都表现得非常棒。关于运动项目,除了我们今天学习的这几种,还有许多,我们将在下节课继续学习。

Step 6 Homework.

1.Read the text 5 times and prepare for a presentation next class;

2. Investigate your family members’ likes and dislikes and write them down.


Module 3 unit 1 I like football.

I like /I don't like-- football

basketball table tennis morning exercises
