
1、四会要求生词: girl boy woman man student teacher doctor nurse cook


Who’s he/she/that boy/that girl/that woman/that man?

He’s… He’s a…/ She’s… She’s a…

3、日常交际用语运用:  Welcome to our school.  Sorry , I don’t know.

Thank you.    I’m new here.

三、 教学重点: 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话

四、 教学难点: 流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话

五、 课前准备: PPT /人物图片/生词卡片/录音机磁带/同色五角星/练习卷


Step1. Warming up and presentation

1.T:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to my class. (举起写着“Welcome to my class.欢迎来到我的课堂”的牌子,对同学们说)

S:Thank you.

2.T:Today, I feel very happy, because I’m now in a new school. It’s Changsheng Primary School. Your school is very nice. I like your school very much.

My name is Sun.(指着胸前挂着的太阳标牌,结束课后这是奖给同学的礼物。) I’m from Zhixi Primary School.


T:Look, this is our school.(点击出现:“our school”领读、齐读、指名读)

(点击PPT,出示句子“Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校”)

T:Our school is nice , too. So , “welcome to our school”.(领读、齐读、指名读)

3.T:Look , there are many new teachers in our class. Let’s say “Welcome to our school ” to them.(孩子们一起面向后面听课的老师问候。)

Step2: Presentation

1. T:But now I’m not in our school. I’m in your school. I’m new here.

(点击PPT出现句子“I’m new here.”领读、齐读、指名读)

T:I’m a new teacher, right?

(点击PPT出现句子“I’m a new teacher.”出示卡片学习新生词“teacher”领读、齐读、指名读)


T:Hello, I’m Sun. I’m new here.

S:Hello, I’m XXX.. Welcome to our school.

T:Thank you.(与学生操练2组左右,练习日常交际用语的同时,为下面的对话做铺垫)


T:(出示一个盒子,里面是课本中学过的人物图片)There are some pictures in the box.. You can choose one and act the dialogue like this with your classmate. OK? Now ,I’ll be first.(老师先示范抽取一张图片模仿PPT中出示的句子和同学对话,然后同学上前抽取图片跟班上其他同学对话,对话成功的发给奖品)

4.T:Today, I have a new friend here.(点击PPT出现人物)

who’s he? He’s Ben. He’s new here. He’s a new student.(点击PPT步步出示句子,领读句子)



(点击PPT出示句子“He’s XXX. He’s a … She’s XXX. She’s a…”给学生对话提示,降低对话难度)

T:I’m Sun. I’m a teacher. Who’s she/ he/that girl/that boy?(指着班上同学)

S:She’s XXX. She’s a student./ He’s XXX. He’s a student.




Who’s that  boy?



领读生词“girl boy woman man”.,示意学生回答:Sorry, I don’t know.

2. Sing a song《Who’s that girl?》(把上面所有的句子用课本中的这首歌的曲全部唱出来)


girl?        Because she is new.

Who’s that boy?  Sorry , I don’t know.   Because he is new.

woman? Sorry , I don’t know.   Because she is new.

man?        Because he is new.

3. 学习新生词cook,操练新句型

1)T:Do you want to know them?


T:Let’s ask them. Girl, girl , who are you?

(点击PPT中的录音,出现女孩的回答):I’m Lily. I’m a student.

T:Who’s that girl?

S:She’s Lily. She’s a student.(答对的给予奖励)


2)同法练习boy woman man 三组对话,学习新生词“cook”(book. look)

3)Sing the new song (仍然用课本中《Who’s that girl?》曲,把学过的句型全部用唱歌的形式练习)


Who’s that girl?  She’s Lily.   Who’s that girl? She’s a student.

Who’s that boy?  He’s Mingming.  Who’s that boy? He’s a student, too.

Who’s that woman? She’s Miss Wang.  Who’s that woman? She’s a teacher.

Who’s that man?  He’s Mr Zhang.  Who’s that man?  He’s a cook.

3. 学习“ doctor nurse ”

(点击出示人物Mr Brown Mrs Black)

1)T:Look , who’s that man?

S:He’s Mr Brown.

T:Is he a cook? Look carefully.(点击人物,图像闪烁,)

No, he’s a doctor.(点击PPT出示句子,同时出示生词卡片学习“doctor”)


2)同法学习Mrs Black “nurse”


Who is that man?  He’s Mr Brown.

He is a doctor.  He’s a doctor.

Who is that woman? She’s Mrs Black.

She is a nurse.  She’ a nurse.

Step4:Guessing game

1、游戏规则:出示五个同色的五角星,其中一面写上了生词student teacher doctor nurse cook, 把写生词的一面扣在桌上,然后抽出一张,做动作来描述这个职业,让其他同学猜出其职业。猜的同学必须用上句子“You are a …”(PPT出示句子)




Fill in the blanks

1) Who’s that girl?   (人物图片)

She’s Lily. She’s a__________.

2) Who’s that______?  (人物图片)

____ Ben. He’s a student, _______.

3) ______ that woman?  (人物图片)

She’s Mrs Black. She’s a________.

4. Who is that_______? (人物图片)

______Mr Brown. He’s a_________.





1. Copy the new words “girl boy woman man student teacher doctor nurse cook”

2. Read the dialogue of Unit1 PartA

4B Unit1 A new student