1.slow down (答案

2.tree eat (答案

3.over old (答案

4.lot note (答案

5.me he答案


答案)1.We should always be nice to each other.

答案)2. You’re ill. Let’s go to the park.

答案)3. If you're sad, you can take a trip.

答案) 4.1f you're angry, you should take a deep breath.

答案)5. The cat is afraid of the mice.


答案)1.In the UK, people drive on the left side.

答案)2. Chinese often use chopsticks.

答案)3. In China, we must look right before crossing the road.

答案)4. There are some double-deckers in London.

答案)5. You can run on the ferry.

答案)6. Don't go at a red light.


答案) 1. In Alaska, some kids go to school by sled.

答案) 2. We must go at a red light.

答案) 3. Don't run on the ferry.

答案) 4. We must drive the sled slowly.

答案) 5. Don't pay attention to the traffic lights.

9.资料 I have two good friends.They are Alice and Mike.

Alice is a tall girl.She has long hair.She likes fried rice and cold milk.She wears a red T-shirt.

Mike is a fat boy.His eyes are big,and his mouth is small.He likes hot water.There is a newspaper in his hand.Now,they are sitting under the tree.

I have three good friends.(答案

Alice is a short girl.(答案

Alice wears a green T-shirt.(答案

Mike has two big eyes and a small mouth.(答案

There is a comic in Mike’s hand.(答案

10.horse work (答案