Cinderella: That means I can go to the ball too?

Stepsister1: You can go? Go to the royal ball? Dancing with the prince? Imaging!

Stepsister2: She is only fit to dance with a broom! Ha ha ha!

Cinderella: But it says every girl is invited!

Stepmother: So it does. You may go, if you can get all the housework done, and find something to wear. Now go to clean the floor!

Cinderella: But, but I just cleaned it this morning.

Stepmother: Clean it again! (Shouting) Then cook meals for us. We will go to the ball tonight.

Stepsisters: Ha ha ha! ( Laughing! )

Her stepmother was so cruel to Cinderella that her animal friends show sympathy to her.

Birdie 1: Cinderella, do this!

Birdie 2: Cinderella, do that!

Mice: Cinderella will never have time to go to the ball.

Dancing with the prince and become his wife!
