The sun and the wind are quarreling in the sky.

The wind says,“I’m stronger.” But the sun says,“No,I’m stronger.

The sun says, “Look at the man down

there. Who can make him take off his


“I will try first.”says the wind,

“Whoo,whoo,”He blows hard. The man doesn’t

take off his coat.

“Now,it’s my turn!”says the sun. “What will

you do?” asks the wind. “I will shine and

give heat.”the sun answers. He gives off

lots of light and heat. The man takes off his


“Aha,I’m stronger.” The sun is happy and he

gives a good laugh.

教学目标(Teaching aims)

1、 认知目标:正确认读词汇quarreling, blow, turn, shine,take off,初步认识形容词比较级stronger

2、 能力目标:在教师的引导下,学会在阅读过程中猜测词义的一些方法,即:结合图片猜,看词汇通过老师做动作等猜测其意思。学会带着问题一边阅读一边思考、推测情节的发展;结合听、说、写,重在培养学生的阅读能力,在阅读中体验英语的语言魅力。

3、 情感目标:培养学生的注意力和观察力及想象力和逻辑推理能力,激发学习兴趣。

教学重难点:(Teaching key point)

1、 认知目标:正确认读词汇quarreling, blow, turn, shine, take off初步认识形容词比较级stronger

2、 看懂故事内容,体会故事的含义

教学媒体:(Teaching aids)


教学环节:(Teaching steps)

StepⅠ Warm up and lead in.
