

(1) 播放歌曲I went on a holiday,学生跟唱。

(2) Throwing game:同学间互相抛接一个小玩具,得玩具者必须说出一个和trip相关的单词或短语,前后不能重复。

2. 预习(Preview)


内容可参考:Where did you go on the holiday?

How far is … from …?

What’s the weather like in …?

What did you do there?

Do you like taking a trip/ hearing good news?

3. 新课呈现(Presentation)

(1) 教师:I have 2 pieces of news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Which one do you want to listen first? 在黑板的两侧分别板书:Bad news 和Good news。接着介绍:The bad news is I was false in the examination last year. The good one is I worked hard than before then I passed the examination this year.

(2) 请学生讲几条bad news,鼓励全班大胆设想,把bad news变成good news。

如:S1: It’s rainy today, but I have no umbrella.

S2: I have a umbrella, I can go home with you.

S3: Your dad will give you a lift.

S4: You can enjoy the beautiful city in the rain.


(3) 从学生讲述bad news引入Mike lost the suitcase这则故事。播放课文录音,学生静听两遍后,合上书本,完成Read and tick or cross练习。

(4) 学生阅读课文,教师指导。

(5) 请学生根据各自阅读情况,从课文中摘抄一些单词,每次请一位同学板书,其余学生根据这些单词抢答说一些简单的语句(可以是原文,也可以是学生自己的话)。可以通过小组竞赛的方式进行。
