
我本楚狂人, 凤歌笑孔丘。

手持绿玉杖, 朝别黄鹤楼。

五岳寻仙不辞远, 一生好入名山游。

庐山秀出南斗傍, 屏风九叠云锦张;

影落明湖青黛光, 金阙前开二峰长。

银河倒挂三石梁, 香炉瀑布遥相望。

回崖沓障淩苍苍, 翠影红霞映朝日,


登高壮观天地间, 大江茫茫去不黄。

黄云万里动风色, 白波九道流雪山。

好为庐山谣, 兴因庐山发。

闲窥石镜清我心, 谢公行处苍苔没。

早服还丹无世情, 琴心三叠道初成;

遥见仙人彩云里, 手把芙蓉朝玉京。

先期汗漫九垓上, 愿接卢敖游太清。

Li Bai

I am the madman of the Chu country

Who sang a mad song disputing Confucius.

...Holding in my hand a staff of green jade,

I have crossed, since morning at the Yellow Crane Terrace,

All five Holy Mountains, without a thought of distance,

According to the one constant habit of my life.

Lu Mountain stands beside the Southern Dipper

In clouds reaching silken like a nine-panelled screen,

With its shadows in a crystal lake deepening the green water.

The Golden Gate opens into two mountain-ranges.

A silver stream is hanging down to three stone bridges
