Aphrodite(阿佛洛狄特) was the goddess of extreme beauty. Her birth was a mysterious one.

On one of those days when the Olympians had begun to enjoy power in the universe, the floating bubbles of the sea glowed with holy brightness. Out of the wave rose a fair and lovely maiden, shining forth warmth and charm. She was then taken by the ocean fairy maiden to Cyprus which became her sacred island. Her beauty was beyond description, and she was rightly called the Beautiful. Over her deathles shead was a golden crown, her eyes were deep and soft, and her brows warm. Her long halr flowed over her delicate neck and white bosom. Her slender fingers and rosy-white feet all added to her attractive grace and elegance. Her slim lily form of a figure caused both the enthusiastic admiration of the gods and the burning jealousy of the goddess when she first took her place on Olympus.
